Friday 19 February 2016

Do people really mean what they say ?

What do people ACTUALLY mean ?
Look at this picture and think for a moment.

"People often don't say what they mean and they often don't mean what they say"? 

Look at this phrase carefully, have you EVER encountered anything like it? I'm sure that everyone must have experienced it at least once in their life. What does it mean actually? Perception really plays a crucial role in this matter because how you interpret the passage affects how you perceive it.

In Malaysian culture , parents used to say that if you lay down on this angle , your mother will die early. This is certainly untrue, it is just that parents want their children to lay down properly so that it doesn’t show their bums or the curvy shape of the body, politeness as people would say. But being me (shairah ) as a child , I used to think that it was true. However , as I grew up , it was somehow illogical. Age and mentality changes through time.

Here is another myth that old folks say ‘don’t sing in the kitchen as you will get married with an old person’, my grandma revealed that they were saying so just to pipe down the noises inside the kitchen to keep the peaceful environment. And you as a youngster, you must be thinking, "Oh no you didn't !"

How  about you , do you think these are myths ? or are they truths ?

Maybe this one happens to every couples,

                              Boy: are you okay ? ( after doing something bad to gf )
                              Girl: I’m just fine , no , not mad at all ( extremely mad/sad )

It’s not the “Okay ?okay” in the fault in our stars, it’s the twisted hormone imbalance in women of ‘Okay’ which boys couldn’t understand. When this happens , you could actually connect the dots of the body posture or body language of the person to indicate if he/she is fine or not. Words somehow carry the opposite meaning to just fulfill what the listener wants to hear instead of what the speaker really feels.

Enough about couples, let's talk about friends;

Have you ever lied to your friends just to maintain your relationship? Or simply, because you care about them? I'm sure you do. Let me give you a situation;
                           Friend A: Do you think I'm fat ? ( friend with gastric illness)
                           Friend B : No , no you're not . You look just fine.

See, would you rather have your friend ill just so you can lower down her self-esteem / self-insecurities and tell her the truth? Of course not, in this case it is conditional, people with gastric would even die if they don't eat. To that extent.

Enjoy this video!

Sometimes we just don't really mean what we say just to be polite and to be nice to people.After all, being nice isn't a crime :P Remember, be kind to others and others will be kind to you !

1 comment:

  1. Hai! We like it when you touch about Malay taboos! We totally forgot that taboos are actually part of our culture! Other races like Chinese have their own taboos that they believe in too. However, most people do not believe anymore in taboos nowadays...but some still believe in it. As I observed, in our Malay culture, most of the taboos are usually about politeness. Just like what you said above, singing in the kitchen is not good, even sitting on the stairs is also not good as they say! After having much thinking about it, SOME may be just a myth, but some are actually true. Think about it, there must be a REASON behind everything that our great grandmothers said (e.g: taboos) right? even though we have a hard time trusting them because they would not tell you the exact reasons. They will just tell you to not do it, and that's it!
